Challenge Details

Where it all began...5 years ago
What is the FCKbeingFAT Challenge?

#FCKbeingFat is NOT a PLAN, it is a weight loss CHALLENGE with an emphasis on proper diet, exercise and support using our one of a kind accountability system. over the last FIVE years the FCKbeingFAT Challenge has been a PROVEN, TESTED weight loss tool, with members losing up to 30 lbs in 8 weeks*. If you actively use the accountability tracker 90% of the time (see below), change your eating habits (you will be provided with a shopping list) and DO THE WORK, you WILL lose weight. We provide the tools, ultimately YOU have to want it, if you are ready, let's WERK!!!


There is a $35 non-refundable enrollment fee, when was the last time you spent $35 and it changed your LIFE? Less than a manicure, less than a hair appointment, less than a night out with friends, less than 1 dollar a day....our members will tell you, it's priceless!

Why not invest in you?


You could win the CASH PRIZE



The foundation of the FBF Challenge is PROPER DIET, EXERCISE & SUPPORT. There is a weekly accountability points tracker to help guide you in these areas.

1. Accountability Point Tracker- To be successful, you must be accountable, your tracker will hold you accountable for the things you eat, and your physical activity.

Diet- You get points for eating a diet of veggies, fruits and protein. Eat food with no more than 10g of Sugar, keep high sugary fruits at a minimum. Replace sugary drinks with WATER... coffee, tea, fresh homemade juice, protein shakes and meal replacements are ok. As FBF promotes healthy weigh loss, fad diets, diet pills, starvation and extreme weight loss tactics are prohibited and will be a cause of disqualification. 

Exercising- You must burn 600 calories 5 days out of 7

Team Support- Daily contact with teammate: It's amazing the strength that comes from encouragement from your teammates! We communicate through the FBF Fitness App Group, which is available in the app store and google play.  It helps knowing that you are all in this together and makes you accountable for what you do or don't do. The challenge is INTERNATIONAL, you can also connect with other members in your area. You are only as strong as your team, being active in our group page in crucial.

Accountability Point System-

  • 1 pt: Contact with Teammate
  • 1 pts: Drink 1/2 your body weigh in oz Water
  • 1 pts: 2 Fruit Servings (1/2 cup each)
  • 1 pts: 3 Vegetable Servings
  • 1 pts: No Sweets/Sugary Treats (Only 6 days a week)
  • 1 pts: Keep a Food Journal
  • 1 pts: 650 calorie burn a day 5 out of 7 days
  • Max Points Each Day is 7

Weekly Team Challenges- Each week your TEAM is challenged to work together to complete a task and earn extra points. This is a way to build team morale and stay motivated.

PREP WEEK- This is a week given to PREPARE for a successful FBF Experience, you must make it through prep week to start the challenge. This challenge is not easy, it requires a commitment to YOURSELF, prep week separates those who are ready from those who are not. WIL YOU MAKE THE CUT?

MOTIVATION Sunday W/Za- Monday is the perfect day to get prepared for the upcoming week. Every Monday at 8PM EST we will do a virtual meet up via Periscope


Weigh in will be WEEKLY by Sunday by 11:59PM (Eastern Standard Time), you will input your total weekly points (including weight loss points) and current weight into your group weigh in chart. You will be required to take 5 video weigh ins throughout the 8 weeks to confirm your weight.


Normal Rules- There are three winners

  • 1st place (Numbers Don't Lie) is the person with the most percentage of weight loss
  • 2nd place (Inch By Inch) is the person with the most inches lost
  • 3rd Place (Team Captain) is the person who earned the most points
  • (Standard) 1st Place Winner (most PERCENTAGE of weigh lost) New YOU | CASH Prize OVER $400 | FCKbeingFAT Gear
  • (Standard) 2nd Place Winner (most INCHES lost) New YOU | $150 | | 
  • (Standard) 3rd Place Winner (most POINTS earned) | $50 | Gear 

Essentially, all members of the challenge win because, by the end you have: A New You, new eating and exercising habits and a connection with others from across the nation that have the same #FCKbeingFat mentality...and that is priceless!

Special Challenge Cycles may have their own rules and different cash prize, please see purchase description.

*disclaimer, you should consult your physician before starting any new diet and exercise regime, results vary,